Mark Dunphy is a member of the 1st Huncote Girls/Boys Brigade.
Some months ago, his mum, Claire, mentioned to brigade captain Amanda Sadler the Helipads For Hospitals appeal for aluminium cans.
The cans will be turned into a helipad so Air Ambulances can deliver patients direct to the emergency department at Leicester Royal Infirmary, rather than having to waste precious time transferring critically-ill patients to wheeled ambulances for the last threequarters of a mile of the journey.
Amanda said: “Mark is a member of our girls and boys brigade company at Huncote Methodist Church, and he’s got a heart for social action which is a core value of the group. His commitment to raising awareness of Helipads For Hospitals is an inspiration to members, their families and our community. we’re continuing to collect and support.”
Mark has been collecting along with the 30 other members of the GB group since January 2020. He has encouraged his family and close friends to also support the cause.
The first collection picked up by H4H in mid-May had 2500 cans, which had taken five months to collect. Since Lockdown more groups have got involved and on June 15 H4H collected a further 3,873 cans. This has been made possible by more groups getting involved including Croft football club and @themayorofhuncote and @croftlitterwombles Facebook groups.
The cans were taken to Mark’s home where he crushed those cans which had not already been crushed. Mark and his family saw the crushed cans and laid them on the lawn to create this message.
Not only did the family crush the cans and put them into one-tonne builders’ bags, but they let them dry out, thus reducing the smell and stains that have been spoiling our vehicles.

Last edited: 14:00 on Wednesday, 17.06.2020
Post script added 22:20 on Saturday, 27.06.2020:
We have just received this very gratifying note from Mark’s mum:
John and Jim Thank you for the article on your website about mark and his collection.. he has been featured on the national GB / girls and boys brigade Facebook page..
This has led to a huge amount of donated cans we have added about another 1700 cans since Jim picked up 10’days a go.. amazing.. we will keep going..
Kind regards Claire
We are delighted for Mark and grateful to you, Claire.